Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Red Velvet Cake.....almost

Continuing on my Spotlight Sunday of Brownies for Dinner, I wanted to try Patricia's Red Velvet Cake recipe. I've never made a red velvet cake before, so I was excited!

Rounded up my ingredients:

I'm off and mixing:

The recipe is SUPER easy to follow and comes together quickly. YEAH!

I decided not to do cupcakes, though, so I poured that lovely batter into my trusty-dusty (ok, so it isn't really 'dusty' - but you know what I mean) bundt pan.

A beautiful cake is in my near future, yes?

Well, no actually, it wasn't!

Did you notice in the picture above when I was rounding up my ingredients what kind of flour I grabbed? Here, look again:
Flour mix-up

Yup, that is right....I grabbed the WRONG FLOUR out of my pantry! I've never had that happen before...even with FOUR different kinds of flour in there! *blushing* Ok - so needless to say, I was disappointed.

Here is my not-so-successful turn-out:

The consistency was horrible, very greasy and it collapsed while baking...then even more so during cooling. I've never had anything stick to my silicone bundt pan before, but this did!

So, I'll be trying this recipe again.....making sure to double check (and probably triple check) which flour I'm using BEFORE beginning! *smile*

Let this be a lesson to everyone....we ALWAYS double check the flour BEFORE mixing a recipe! *tee hee*

Thanks Brownies for Dinner! I'll get it right and I'm sure it'll be fabulous!

For the complete recipe, please visit Patricia's site....it is awesome anyway.


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