Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I always loved the Holidays...all of them. But I especially love them now that I have kids. Their excitement is just awe-inspiring.

We dyed Easter eggs yesterday....3 dozen of them. Now, there are only 4 of us in the house and there is NO way that we'll eat all those eggs, but it is fun! Syndel (my 4-year-old) picked out two different egg dying kits this year (one tye-dye and one regular), so we knew that we'd need lots of eggs.

This is the first year that she really participated...and how! Ceryse isn't quite old enough to do it, but she really enjoyed watching!

Here are some shots of our eggs:

Aren't those tye-dye eggs really cool?

Syndel wrote on the eggs herself, she was so proud of herself!!!


Row of Eggs
You can see more of her fantastic writing.

I absolutely adore this shot - look at her enthusiasm - she is beaming as Dad pulls the egg out of the dye! LOVE IT!

Later they were just cuddling on the couch and I took a "spy" shot. :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


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