Thursday, May 7, 2009

Caramel-Maple Popcorn (for the FBI)


Sweet. Salty. Crunchy. Clusters of Heaven.

Recently I came across this site that is in charge of the FBI (Food Blog Inspection). It sounded like a really fun thing to do....and so, I have made Caramel-Maple Popcorn for the FBI as my initiation.

I've never even made regular caramel popcorn before (though I really like it....especially the "Crunch N Munch" version....Mmmmmm), so I was excited to try this. My hubby is in love with maple syrup, really. Once I even spied him taking a little sip after drowning his pancakes in it. (Shhh - don't tell him I told you. That was supposed to be a private moment for him) He is at work right now, but he sure is going to be happy when he arrives home tonight.

This was a really easy treat to don't hesitate to try it at home!

I started with some popped popcorn and mixed in pecan pieces:

Then I made the caramel-maple mixture and poured it right over the top:

Good thing I knew this stuff was super hot, otherwise, I'd have stuck my finger right in there and had a taste!

Then, you just mix it all around and spread it out on a pan (I used my new handy-dandy paella pan....LOVE IT!) and wait for it to cool.


Pure goodness! This stuff is awesome....and what is even more awesome, it took me all of 15 minutes from start to finish!

This month's inspection is of Culinary in the Desert Country.
The recipe I recreated was Maple Caramel Popcorn Crunch. I had a lot of fun and look forward to doing it again each month!



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